How to Sell on Amazon in 2023

How to Sell on Amazon in 2023


Want to start selling on amazon? Here’s how to run a successful amazon business in 2022.

step one – decide what you want to sell.

You need to decide what you want to sell.

The first step is defining your niche. Think about what you are passionate about, what you are good at, what you enjoy doing and whether or not any of these things can be turned into a profitable business. If the answer is yes then let’s dive in!

For example, if you create beautiful furniture by hand on weekends it might not make sense for your main job unless it becomes something that sets out from the rest of the market (if it does then go for it). However if one day someone asks for a custom made piece and pays $5k for it then hey – maybe there’s something here!

step two – research your product idea.

You should start by researching your product idea. Make sure that it is a good idea, and that there is a need for it. Find out if there are any similar products already on Amazon, and whether they have a good review score. If so, you’ll want to consider the differences between yours and theirs before deciding whether or not to sell yours on Amazon as well. It’s a good idea to also research any legal issues related to your product (for example: if it contains alcohol) before deciding whether or not it’s worth selling on Amazon.

step three – source your product.

You’ve decided that you want to sell on Amazon and have started looking for products. Now it’s time to source your product from a supplier.

  • Source a good supplier: You need to find a reliable supplier who can provide high quality products at an affordable price in the quantity you need. Look for one with great customer service and communication skills, good reputation, and fast delivery time (especially if they are out of stock).
  • Quality control: It is important that your supplier gives you quality items, so it is vital that you test every product before selling them on Amazon or any other marketplace. The best way is by sending samples of each item type (if possible) at different stages of production, so their factory can fix any issues early on. You should also ensure that all packaging materials are recyclable where possible as well as biodegradable where necessary like bubble wrap etc!

step four – create your amazon listing.

Amazon has an app that makes it easy for you to enter in the relevant information about your product. If you don’t have this, don’t worry—it’s really easy to find on their website. Make sure you include all the information (including size, color, etc.) that they require so they can list your product accurately and efficiently.

Amazon recommends using high quality images that show off what it is exactly that makes your product great. They also recommend including a great title and description as well as adding keywords so people can find it more easily when looking through searches or browsing products by category.

Be sure your price is right! Amazon lets sellers list items at whatever price they want but if there are other similar products listed with different prices then yours might not sell as well because users will go with the cheapest option available (it’s called “price anchoring”).

step five – set up amazon payments and shipping.

  • Set up Amazon Payments and Shipping

Once your listing is approved, you will be able to set up your account with Amazon Payments. This allows you to accept credit card payments from buyers on the Amazon platform and transfer funds directly into your bank account. You can also use this service to set up shipping, which will help customers find the right products in their area more quickly and easily. To do this, go down below your product description and click on “Shipping & Fulfillment” (if it is not already selected). Under “Shipping Settings” at the top of the page select “Use My Seller Profile Address” if you want all orders shipped from one location or choose one of many other options if they better suit your business needs

step six – list your products on

Creating a listing on Amazon is a fairly straightforward process, but if you’re new to the platform and aren’t familiar with how it works, it can seem confusing.

First things first: Make sure your product has an ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number). This is a unique identifier for each product sold on Amazon that allows you to add it to the platform. If you don’t have one yet, here’s how to get one from Amazon:

  • Login into Seller Central and click “Manage Inventory” in the navigation bar at the top of your screen.
  • Click “Add Product” under “Manage Inventory” next to where it says “You can add products using any of these methods.”
  • Enter all of your product details into their respective fields (name, description, etc.), including its ASIN. Note that you must enter an ASIN or FNSKU number—if there isn’t one listed anywhere on your packaging or website then look closely at all available information about what makes up each individual piece before entering a new one yourself; this will save time later when adding items manually or importing them through an e-commerce platform like Shopify vs creating new ones from scratch!

step seven – start driving traffic to your amazon listing.

The final step in the process is driving traffic to your listing.

An Amazon listing is your product page on Amazon. It includes a title, subtitle (optional), image, and bullets of features and benefits.

There are many different ways to drive traffic to your Amazon listing:

  • Use Amazon Ads (paid advertising)
  • Sponsor Products or Sponsored Brands (sponsored shopping ads)

you can start selling on amazon right now!

If you’re interested in selling on Amazon, the first step is to decide what you want to sell. The next is doing some research into your product idea. You may want to search for similar products on Amazon and see how they are currently being sold by other sellers.

Once you have decided on a product, it’s time to get sourcing! Whether it be through Alibaba or another supplier platform, sourcing your goods can be easy and cost-effective when done correctly with the right tools.

Step 4: Create Your Listing

Now that you have found some suppliers who are willing to work with you and have provided samples of their products for review, it’s time for step 4 – creating an attractive listing for your new listing! A good way of doing this is by using one of our templates as a starting point but make sure that everything looks professional enough before uploading it onto amazon (if there are spelling mistakes etc).


There’s nothing stopping you from selling on right now, and it’s never been easier to do so. We hope that our article has inspired you to start selling on amazon or given you some ideas for how to improve your current listing. If anything, just remember this: if you have something people want, there’s no reason why they can’t find it! Good luck with all your future sales efforts!

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